Dear all,
The Organizing Committee of the 24th International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED 2025) is very pleased to invite you to the historical city of Rome, Italy, where ICED will take place from 7 to 11 July 2025. Rome is one of the most fascinating and historic cities in the world, with a history that stretches for about 3.000 years. Being a cosmopolitan metropolis with a vibrant, cultural, artistic and academic life, Rome is an ideal setting for our upcoming Congress.
Welcome LIS
Welcome IS
Video message from the President of the World Federation of the Deaf: Dr. Joseph Murray
Video message from the President of the European Union of the Deaf: Dr. Sofia Isari
Video message from the President of the National Union of the Deaf: Dr. Angelo Raffaele Cagnazzo
Abstract notification of acceptance
registration deadline for presenters
early registration deadline
from April 1st to July 4th
New Abstract Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2024

There is a place in Eur, the well-known Roman business district, where space and technology give concrete form to ideas, transforming them into unforgettable experiences: it is the Auditorium della Tecnica, the Congress Center owned by Confindustria Servizi Spa. Although it presents itself to our eyes as one of the congress centers of the Italian avant-garde, behind has a long history that officially begins on May 30, 1974, the day of the inauguration, during the Confindustria General Assembly when Giovanni Agnelli was elected President