The ICED 2025 conference welcomes contributions from any theoretical perspective that addresses any aspect of the study of education of deaf and hard of hearing children, as well as from related fields more broadly concerned with, but not limited to, the following topics: Signed and spoken language acquisition, bilingualism, memory, learning, literacy, languages and cultures, relationship between research and practice, empowering deaf professionals, deaf gain, deaf culture, deaf identity, informing and caring families, school programs and school settings, mental health and quality of life, accessibility, social inclusion, cochlear implants, health, speech therapy.
Conference Languages
The official languages of the conference will be Italian Sign Language (LIS), International Sign (IS) and English.
The Call for Abstract will open on May 15th, 2024.
We plan to have: Signed/Spoken presentations (20 minutes and 10 minutes discussion) grouped in thematic sessions built up by the Scientific Committee; Symposiums proposal (90 minutes, with 4-5 presentations) proposed by Congress participants; and Poster sessions.
Written abstracts should be in English and no longer than 3.000 characters (including title, figures, examples and references). Abstracts should be anonymized (with no author names in the text).
Video abstracts, either in LIS or IS, are also allowed (maximum length 5 minutes). Abstracts should be anonymized by being signed by someone different from the author(s). To send video abstracts, please follow these instructions: build the video using your phone/pc/camera horizontally in front of the person who will sign. Upload your video abstract in your YouTube channel (private mode, visible only to those who have the link) and past the link in the submission form that should also include the title of the abstract.
Please contact the ICED 2025 organizers if you have any questions about the submissions of video abstracts.
Please upload images in 300 dpi only.
Each author can be listed in a maximum of 3 submissions, including 1 as the first or single author.
Types of submission:
– Poster
– Signed/Oral Presentation
– Symposium proposal
– Symposium participant
To propose a Symposium, please provide:
- The name(s) of the Proponent(s) in the field “Authors”
- Select “Symposium”
- The Topic
- The Title of the Symposium
- The Language of your presentation/s (as proponent/discussant)
- The General abstract of the symposium (either no longer than 3.000 characters or no more than 5-minutes video following the same instructions provided above for the video abstracts). Please, also add in the Abstract the authors and the titles of the 4-5 contributions you are inviting to participate in the Symposium
To participate in a Symposium, (Symposium Participant) please provide:
- The name(s) of the Authors
- Select “Symposium contribution”
- The Title of the contribution
- The language of the presentation
- Select the Symposium you want participate to from the “Symposia list”
- The Abstract of your contribution
The Abstracts should be either no longer than 3.000 characters or no more than 5-minutes video following the same instructions provided above for the video abstracts.
The theme of ICED 2025 is More than words:
- more than words across Languages and Cultures
- more than words between Research and Practice
- more than words in Empowering Deaf Professionals
- more than words in Informing and Caring Families
- more than words in Language Acquisition
- more than words in Bilingual Education
- more than words in Learning and Literacy
- more than words in School Programs and in School Settings
- more than words in Mental Health and Quality of Life
- more than words in promoting Deaf Gain and Deaf Culture
- more than words in supporting Deaf Identity
- more than words in Accessibility and Social Inclusion
Deadline for submission: October 31st, 2024
Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 15th, 2025
Call for Abstract Procedure:
May 15th, 2024: Call for Abstract opening
October 31st, 2024: Abstract Submission Deadline
January 15th, 2025: Notification of Acceptance
February 21st, 2025: Registration deadline for presenters
March 31st, 2025: Early registration deadline
Late registration: from April 1st to July 4th, 2025
On site registration: from July 7th, 2025